research papers annotated bibliography

Assignment 2: Your Research Paper’s Annotated Bibliography


also included attatchment of research proposal


Revisit the topic that you listed in your research proposal from Module 1, and do some research. If you have some trouble, you may need to narrow it a bit to find appropriate academic source material. Your selected topic will be the topic for your final paper in this class.

For this assignment, you need to complete an annotated bibliography of the sources you are finding for your research paper. As you continue to work on your project, add to your list, so that when you are ready for your final draft you can remove the unused citations and all annotations. After these things are removed, and your page is re-titled “References,” it will be ready to submit as part of the final paper. Here are the things you should look for in a good annotated bibliography:

  • You use at least three university-level resources that are authoritative, correct, unbiased, current, and coherent.
  • Your title is “References,” not “Bibliography.” Your authors are listed in alphabetical order, and there is a short explanation after every citation.
  • Your citations are APA formatted (with hanging indent) and each needed block of annotation text is in the appropriate order.
  • The work is formed in 12 point, Times New Roman font, with one inch margins all around.
  • You offer a description of the source’s usefulness: statistics, clever quote, graph, table, fact, or other relevant information. If a source is not useful, you note that it is not going to be used in your paper.


Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Used only reliable sources as defined in course readings.
Correctly formatted the paper and each citation for each reference in APA style.
Included a detailed annotation for each citation.
Used correct spelling and grammar in annotations and citations.
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