UNIV104-1404B-62 Academic and Career Success
Task Name: Phase 5 Individual Project
Deliverable Length: 6–10 slides using the template

Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Sunday, and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.

To summarize what you have learned in this course and to reflect on the future, you will create a PowerPoint presentation. Use the template to guide you as you prepare your presentation.

Your presentation will need to cover the following:

  1. Success Strategies
    • Introduce the most important success strategy that you have learned in this course.
    • Discuss what academic strategies you have gained from this course.
    • Briefly explain how you will implement the strategies you have learned from this class as you move forward in your degree program.
  2. Your Goals
    • Discuss your short-term and long-term academic goals.
    • Discuss the long-term career goal or goals you have.
  3. Support and Resources
    • Define what support and resources you will need from family, friends, coworkers, fellow students, and the university to help you achieve your goals.
    • Briefly explain how you will obtain this support as you work toward completing your degree.

Presentation Requirements

  1. Utilize the template provided.
  2. Select a slide design; do not use a white background.
  3. Use bullets, not sentences or paragraphs for your slides, and have speaker notes for slides 2–7 (minimum of 1 paragraph)
    • Remember, a bullet is a short statement or phrase that is 8 words or less.
  4. Include at least 1 picture or clip art that improves the visual appeal of your presentation.
  5. Include a minimum of 1 animation on 1 slide.
  6. Include a minimum of 1 reference on the Reference slide; the source must be in APA format
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