Paper must be 2 complete pages single-spaced
•&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ; Font – 12-point (Times New Roman – Microsoft Word); APA Format for References – identify your references (if you don’t it is plagiarism)
•&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ; It should be based on a Managerial Accounting Concept that has been (or will be discussed in the course – any topic from your text) from a credible business source (e.g., CFO .com, Businessweek; Sloan Mgmt Review; Harvard Business Review, NY Times , Forbes). If you are unsure how to find an article, go the library and ask the business reference librarian to assist you.
•&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ; Summarize the article (i.e., 1st paragraph -Provide your summary of the article in the first paragraph – do not copy the executive summary; 2nd Paragraph – write a critique (i.e., analyze and discuss the argument(s) of the paper – you must defend why you agree or disagree with the argument and use facts to support your position); 3rd Paragraph – express how you can apply the concepts for decision making in your life, career and/or other endeavors.
•&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ; Put your name, student # and the section (e.g., 001, 002, 900) in the heading that should show up on each page
•&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ; Provide a hyperlink to the article
•&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ; No late submissions; no exceptions – articles can only be submitted via the Turnitin Link in Blackboard in the week 8 folder
my article link is this :
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