
After working as a manufacturing engineer for eight years, Victoria Bender recently took on a new job with a competitor. In this new role, she would be in charge of a small manufacturing division. Her new boss told her that the division was underperforming and he was counting on her to “turn it around.” Ms. […]


An organizational analysis considers the context in which the training will occur. People analysis helps identify who needs training. Task analysis identifies tasks and important knowledge, skills, and behaviors that should be emphasized in training for employees to complete their tasks. Please answer the following questions: If you were to conduct a needs assessment for […]


CHRISTOPHER BROWN Patents operate by offering innovators a temporary monopoly. New medication development, testing, and marketing are all extremely expensive processes for pharmaceutical companies. It’s estimated that new construction will cost as much as $2.6 billion, according to some estimates. Research and development for most “created” pharmaceuticals can run into the hundreds of millions, if […]


I want to solve the questions following the topic (the topic : marketing advertisment on Bahrain tourism ) 1. What are you marketing? 2. Identify and describe your target customer • What approximate age or gender are they? • Do they live in a major city or a more rural setting? • What is their […]

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