I need a website designed that meets the requirements below and THE WEBSITE MUST BE MADE AND FOLLOW THE ATTACHED IMPLEMENTATION PLAN. In addition to the website there must be index or introductory document outlining the start of the program that must be APA format and will be checked originality. The index or introductory must be well written in APA format and must not contain words ending in “ed”. The website must be 100% original and will be checked for originality before the final payment is made. The final product must be compressed and zipped.
Design website that presents and explains your Implementation Plan. The site must include all sections of the plan and related content and consist of multiple web pages. Ensure there is an index or some type of introductory text document outling the start of the program. (If needed when the deliverable is posted include the directions of how to run within the text of the post.)
Demonstrate the following characteristics:
Effective file management
Accurate and functional markup code
Effective and functional navigation
Use any familiar web, JavaTM, .NET, or database development tool to design, develop, and create the application or site.
Website must adhere to the following criteria:
Apply usability best practices and principles of design.
Page content is organized and professional.
Create effective navigation for the application or site.
Integrate multimedia effectively.
Use internal, external, and anchor links in the application or site.
Demonstrate the plan for testing.
Submit your application or site in a compressed .ZIP file or folder. Include all runtime executable and source files. Identify what file should be loaded (.INDEX or .DEFAULT) or run (.EXE) first