1) As Jean Tyler plans to set aside funds for her young children’s college education, she is setting a(n) ____________ goal.


A. [removed] Intangible
B. [removed] Intermediate
C. [removed] Long-term
D. [removed] Short-term
E. [removed] Durable
  2) ____________ goals relate to personal relationships, health, and education.


A. [removed] Intangible-purchase
B. [removed] Durable-product
C. [removed] Short-term
D. [removed] Consumable-product
E. [removed] Intermediate
  3) Brad Opper has a goal of “saving $50 a month for vacation.” Brad’s goal lacks


A. [removed] A tangible end
B. [removed] Measurable terms
C. [removed] A realistic perspective
D. [removed] Specific actions
E. [removed] A time frame
  4) Improvements in a person’s financial position are the result of


A. [removed] Increased purchases on credit
B. [removed] Increased liabilities
C. [removed] Lower amounts deposited in savings
D. [removed] Reductions in earnings
E. [removed] Increased savings and investments
  5) The current financial position of an individual or family is best presented with the use of a(n)


A. [removed] Bank statement
B. [removed] Budget
C. [removed] Time value of money report
D. [removed] Cash flow statement
E. [removed] Balance sheet
  6) Ben Chase needs to pay off some of his debts over the next few months. Which item on his balance sheet would help him decide what amounts are due in the near future?

Nts are due in the near future?

A. [removed] Current assets
B. [removed] The budget variance
C. [removed] Current liabilities
D. [removed] Investment assets
E. [removed] Long-term liabilities
  7) In a recent month, Ken Grossman has cash inflows of $3,100 and cash outflows of $2,950, resulting


A. [removed] A surplus of $3,100
B. [removed] A balanced budget
C. [removed] A deficit of $2,950
D. [removed] A surplus of $150
E. [removed] A deficit of $150
  8) Payments that do not vary from month to month are ____________ expenses.


A. [removed] Luxury
B. [removed] Fixed
C. [removed] Budgeted
D. [removed] Current
E. [removed] Variable
  9) Which of the following presents a summary of income and outflows for a period of time?


A. [removed] A cash flow statement
B. [removed] A balance sheet
C. [removed] An asset report
D. [removed] A bank statement
E. [removed] An investment summary
  10) When preparing her monthly budget, Marge Kent has total spending of $4,600. Each month she pays $1,200 in rent, $60 for cable television and Internet service, and $240 for sion and Internet service, and $240 for her auto loan. What percentage of her budget goes for these fixed expenses?


A. [removed] 33 percent
B. [removed] 6 percent
C. [removed] 40 percent
D. [removed] 12 percent
E. [removed] 27 percent
  11) The difference between the amount budgeted and the actual amount is called a


A. [removed] Budget variance
B. [removed] Variable living expense
C. [removed] Financial plan
D. [removed] Current liability
E. [removed] Change in net worth
  12) A budget deficit would result when a person’s or family’s


A. [removed] Assets exceed liabilities
B. [removed] Net worth decreases
C. [removed] Actual expenses are less than planned expenses
D. [removed] Actual expenses are greater than planned expenses
E. [removed] Actual expenses equal planned expenses
  13) The maximum amount of credit you are allowed by a creditor is called a(n)


A. [removed] Installment cash credit
B. [removed] Single lump-sum credit
C. [removed] Revolving credit
D. [removed] Line of credit
E. [removed] Convenience credit
  14) If your monthly net (after-tax) income is $1,500, what should be your maximum amount spent on credit payments?


A. [removed] $500
B. [removed] $600
C. [removed] $200
D. [removed] $300
E. [removed] $400
  15) FICO scores generally range from


A. [removed] 450 to 650
B. [removed] 350 to 850
C. [removed] 100 to 1,000
D. [removed] 200 to 700
  16) A formalized report that summarizes your current financial situation, analyzes your financial needs, and recommends a direction for your financial activities is a(n)

R financial activities is a(n)

A. [removed] Investment forecast
B. [removed] Statement
C. [removed] Insurance prospectus
D. [removed] Financial plan
E. [removed] Budget
  17) Which of the following is usually considered a long-term financial strategy?


A. [removed] Investing in a growth mutual fund to accumulate retirement funds
B. [removed] Purchasing auto insurance to cover the needs of dependents
C. [removed] Creating a budget
D. [removed] Using savings to pay off a loan early
E. [removed] Renting an apartment to save for the purchase of a home
  18) Which of the following is not a true statement?


A. [removed] A long-term investment objective involves a time period of five years or more
B. [removed] Because investment objectives deal with the future, it is useless to plan more than five years in the future
C. [removed] Investment goals must be tailored to the particular financial needs of the individual
D. [removed] No one is going to make you save the money you need to start an investment program
E. [removed] To be useful, investment objectives must be specific and measurable
  19) Increased consumer spending will usually cause


A. [removed] Higher employment levels
B. [removed] Lower interest rates
C. [removed] Lower tax revenues
D. [removed] Lower consumer prices
E. [removed] Reducing a person’s tax liability
  20) A stock that remains stable during declines in the economy is called a(n) ____________ stock.


A. [removed] Blue-chip
B. [removed] Income
C. [removed] Growth
D. [removed] Defensive
E. [removed] Cyclical
  21) An example of ____________ risk occurs when an investment does not keep up with prices that are increasing in the overall economy.


A. [removed] Current
B. [removed] Business failure
C. [removed] Inflation
D. [removed] Market
E. [removed] Interest
  22) Which of the following statements is not true?


A. [removed] Continue to evaluate the investments contained in your investment plan
B. [removed] Turn over all the details of your financial plan to a professional
C. [removed] When establishing an investment program, you should examine the potential return offered by different investment alternatives
D. [removed] When establishing an investment program, you should begin by establishing your investment goals
E. [removed] When you are choosing an investment, you should examine the risk factor associated with each investment
  23) Megan Jackson is single and 24. She has just graduated from college and obtained a job making $26,400 a year. She would like to establish a long-term investment program. A long-term investment program. Which of the following investments would you recommend for her investment program?


A. [removed] A money-market fund
B. [removed] Commodities
C. [removed] Growth stocks
D. [removed] Corporate bonds
E. [removed] Government bonds
  24) John Hernandez is 24 and has saved enough money to fund an adequate emergency fund. In addition, he has saved $5,600 that can be used to fund an investment program. He d to fund an investment program. He is single, has no dependents, and would like to retire when he is 60. Which of the investment factors listed below would be most important for listed below would be most important for an investor like Mr. Hernandez?


A. [removed] Liquidity
B. [removed] Risk
C. [removed] Beta
D. [removed] Income
E. [removed] Growth
  25) Which of the following is not a true statement?


A. [removed] The price of stocks, bonds, and other investments may fluctuate because of the behavior of investors in the marketplace
B. [removed] The risk of business failure is associated with investments in stock and corporate bonds
C. [removed] When choosing an investment, it is not necessary to consider the risk factor
D. [removed] During inflationary times, there is a risk that the financial return on an investment will not keep pace with the rate of inflation
E. [removed] The interest rate risk associated with investments in bonds is the result of changes in the interest rates in the economy
  26) A very safe investment that generally attracts conservative investors is called a(n) ____________ stock.


A. [removed] Blue-chip
B. [removed] Small-cap
C. [removed] Penny
D. [removed] Cyclical
E. [removed] Growth
  27) Which of the following investments had the best return since 1926?


A. [removed] Corporate bonds
B. [removed] Common stocks
C. [removed] Certificates of deposit
D. [removed] U.S. Treasury bills
E. [removed] Long-term government bonds
  28) Your friend lends you $2,500 at 5 percent simple interest and you agree to repay the loan at the end of one year. How much interest will you pay for the year?

You pay for the year?

A. [removed] $175
B. [removed] $150
C. [removed] $75
D. [removed] $100
E. [removed] $125
  29) The future value of $1,000 deposited a year for 5 years earning 4 percent would be approximately


A. [removed] $8,200
B. [removed] $6,500
C. [removed] $5,000
D. [removed] $5,250
E. [removed] $5,400
  30) A Pawnshop with a monthly interest rate of 2.75 percent would have an annual interest rate of ____ percent.


A. [removed] 2.75
B. [removed] 5.5
C. [removed] 33
D. [removed] 27.5
E. [removed] 20
  31) The purpose of a rate cap with an adjustable rate mortgage is to


A. [removed] Minimize interest costs
B. [removed] Lower the escrow account
C. [removed] Restrict the amount by which the interest rate can increase
D. [removed] Prevent changes in the amount of the monthly payment
E. [removed] Increase negative amortization
  32) Which of the following would increase the speed of equity growth for a homebuyer?


A. [removed] Making a down payment of 10 percent instead of 20 percent
B. [removed] Making larger deposits to the escrow account
C. [removed] Obtaining a 15-year mortgage instead of a 30-year mortgage
D. [removed] Obtaining a mortgage interest rate of 9 percent instead of 8 percent
  33) If overall interest rates in the economy rise, a corporate bond with a fixed interest rate will generally


A. [removed] Increase in value
B. [removed] Be returned to the corporation
C. [removed] Become worthless
D. [removed] Decrease in value
E. [removed] Remain unchanged
  34) How much would you have in 3 years if you saved $2,000 a year at an annual interest rate of 10 percent?


A. [removed] $6,000
B. [removed] $8,005
C. [removed] $7,500
D. [removed] $6,380
E. [removed] $7,282
  35) Twenty years ago, you began investing $2,000 a year. Because your investments earned an average of 8 percent a year, your investment portfolio has a current dollar value of portfolio has a current dollar value of $92,000. How much did you earn on your investments over the 20-year period of time?


A. [removed] $2,000
B. [removed] $132,000
C. [removed] $92,000
D. [removed] $40,000
E. [removed] $52,000
36) Assume that you purchased a $1,000 Exxon/Mobil bond that pays 6 1/2 percent interest. What is the amount of interest you would receive each year?

Each year

A. [removed] $3.25
B. [removed] $1,000
C. [removed] $32.50
D. [removed] $6.50
E. [removed] $65


37) Who has the greatest need for life insurance?


A. [removed] Households with small children
B. [removed] Dual income couple
C. [removed] Singles living alone
D. [removed] Singles living with parents
E. [removed] Children
38) Suppose that yours is a typical family. Your annual income is $50,000. Use the easy method to determine your need for life insurance. Your insurance should be in the amount

Insurance should be in the amount of


A. [removed] $245,000
B. [removed] $400,000
C. [removed] $300,000
D. [removed] $345,000
E. [removed] $450,000
39) The purpose of financial responsibility laws is to


A. [removed] Reduce auto insurance costs
B. [removed] Require uninsured motorists coverage
C. [removed] Assist poor drivers in getting insurance coverage
D. [removed] Protect the public from financial losses due to auto accidents
E. [removed] Pay for high medical costs of auto accident victims
40) Last month Nellie Jacobson’s divorce became final. As part of the settlement, she received $150,000. She would like to invest in mutual funds, but since she is 62 years old, she is concerned with the safety of her “nest egg.” Which of the following mutual funds would you recommend?


A. [removed] Growth fund
B. [removed] International fund
C. [removed] Small cap fund
D. [removed] High-yield bond fund
E. [removed] Intermediate U. S. bond fund
41) A mutual fund that will not invest in companies that produce tobacco, nuclear energy, or weapons or in companies that have a history of discrimination is called a history of discrimination is called a(n)


A. [removed] Lifecycle fund
B. [removed] Defensive fund
C. [removed] Lifestyle fund
D. [removed] Balanced fund
E. [removed] Socially-responsible fund
42) A mutual fund that invests in common stocks and bonds with the primary objectives of conserving principal, providing

Income, and long-term growth is called _________ fund



A. [removed] Balanced
B. [removed] Income
C. [removed] Growth
D. [removed] Industry
E. [removed] Money market
43) Changes in income, values, and family situation make it necessary to


A. [removed] Evaluate and revise your actions
B. [removed] Analyze your current personal and financial situation
C. [removed] Implement the financial plan
D. [removed] Develop financial goals
E. [removed] Create a financial plan of action
44) All of the following statements are considered to be good advice for the potential investor before starting his or her personal investment program except:


A. [removed] Work to balance your budget
B. [removed] Start an emergency fund
C. [removed] Increase credit purchases and make installment payments in order to increase cash available for investing
D. [removed] Provide adequate insurance protection
E. [removed] Establish a line of credit
45) The financial planning process concludes with efforts to


A. [removed] Create a financial plan of action
B. [removed] Implement the financial plan
C. [removed] Review and revise your actions
D. [removed] Develop financial goals
E. [removed] Analyze your current personal and financial situation


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