Due Date 9/17/2013
In this task you will prepare a presentation for the chief financial officer (CFO) to present to a bank vice president. The bank vice president will decide if the bank will approve a $1,000,000 funding request for the European expansion of Custom Snowboards Inc. currently under consideration. The bank has not confirmed it is willing to consider a $1,000,000 loan. The bank will make its assessment of the risk associated with the loan after your presentation.
You will prepare another presentation to present directly to the chief executive officer (CEO) of Custom Snowboards Inc. The presentation will include a recommendation on how to proceed with the expansion plans.
The presentations can assume the form of a presentation or a report. You may combine the two or submit them separately.
Be sure to enter your first initial and last name on the first worksheet in Custom Snowboards, Inc. Financial Data excel document.
Note: Be sure to submit a copy of your Excel workbook when submitting your JET2 Task 5 work. When you enter your first initial and last name at the top of the Income Statement you are given a dataset that is based on your name. The evaluator will need a copy of your data to ensure correct evaluation.
Note: Your presentations may be in a variety of formats (e.g., report, multimedia presentation).
A. Create a presentation or report for the chief financial officer in which you do the following:
1. Summarize the key points of the company’s financial picture that could impact the bank officer’s decision.
2. Explain how any financial risks pointed out by the bank loan officer could be mitigated by the company.
3. Analyze the ratios that will indicate the ability to repay the principal and interest on the 5-year loan.
B. Create a presentation or report with your recommendations on the European expansion of Custom Snowboards Inc. for the chief executive officer (CEO) by doing the following:
1. Present a historical analysis of past performance.
a. Analyze what the historical analysis indicates about future performance.
2. Discuss how the current operations can be improved through better cost controls.
3. Discuss the internal and external risks that Custom Snowboards, Inc. will face with any expansion alternative into the European market.
a. Recommend strategies and techniques that can be used to mitigate those risks.
4. Discuss the potential returns of procuring a new plant in Europe that must be presented to and considered by the CEO and company board in your presentation.
5. Custom Snowboards, Inc. has the opportunity to enter the European market by procuring a production plant, merging with European SnowFun, Inc., or acquiring European SnowFun, Inc. outright. After analyzing the data provided select the best option for expanding operations into Europe.
6. Based on the option selected in #5 above present a final financing recommendation to the CEO.
C. If you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.
Due Date 9/17/2013
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