Respond casually to each paragraph as if your having a conversation with the author
75 words
The center for disease will help monitor the infectious disease for the U.S. and also the center for disease control will help develop and implement the control and the procedures for disease. The center for disease control also have mandatory facilities in the northern part of America that will help with “handling“ infectious disease and “handling lethally microorganisms“ this mandatory facility is called the “biological laboratory“ and also this laboratory will be the place where the infectious disease is handled Hoyle, B.(2004)CDC(United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention(para.1,2). The three main functions of the Center for Disease Control is to provide important information to the public as well as having leaders in the government to help make good decisions as well as making sure that the nation health is safe as well as protected
75 words
How does everyone feel about the safety of our nation medically? Are we prepared for what “could be?” Do we have enough medication to go around in the case of a national disaster? How could we improve?
75 words
did a research paper for one of my previous classes on bird flu and what would happen if there were a pandemic. It was rather frightening, to be quite honest. I do not think our nation is medically safe. There are drug shortages already, let alone if there were to be a pandemic. There have been shortages of just ordinary flu vaccines within the past few years. Maybe I’m being pessimistic, but I just don’t have confidence that our medical communities could pull it off if there was a national disaster. Of course the vaccines come from pharmaceutical companies and I do not think they would be prepared either.
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It is amazing how well they can keep up with so much at once. They have to watch everyone and make sure that we all stay healthy and giving us all the right things to stay healthy with. I feel that if we all listened and went by what they said we would be healthy and living longer lives. Good post good luck with the final and the rest of your school career.
75 words
How do disease trends help us in preparing treatments for tomorrow?
75 words
I feel that it is important to learn about disease trends so you can always be ahead and know exactly what to look for. there is always some new disease that comes about and we need to know about it so we can prepare for it and try to prevent it. I am health conscious so i always want to know what is new and what is going on. There is always so much going on with STD’s and new flu’s and viruses that we all need to be aware of the signs and symptoms, and exactly who is at risk and what are the risk factors of these diseases. Making sure that we get all the vaccines and researching them to make sure that they are good and that they are actually going to help us or make it worse on us if we get them. Just like the swine flu, i did not get the vaccine because of all the side effects of it and felt that my risk of getting sick was greater with getting the vaccine than not getting it.
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