homework mng people competitive advantg

Prepare a paper of full 2 pages on one of the 26 Social & Emotional Intelligence Competencies – the one that you believe may be your weakest SEI competency. 

See the attached Four Quadrant SEI Model and the 26 SEI Competencies PDF file:  WPreview the documentView in a new window1_SEI_Four_Quadrant_Model_8-11_Adult_Version copy.pdfView in a new window
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Answer the following questions – this likely will require some additional research, so indicate your sources:
• Define & explain the competency
• Explain what impact the competency can have on your performance and your career
• What specific actions will you take to increase or improve this competency?
• What value to you see in improving this competency?



MY WEAKEST SEI IS Accurate self-assessment

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