Reference your Module Two journal entry to further explore the individual perceptions and resulting behaviors discussed. How will you take individual perceptions into consideration in conflict management? Do you feel after the reading and discussion this week that you may change your leadership approach relative to how you observe behavior? In addition, how will you be thinking about how shared perceptions may be influencing individuals and the departments?
Here is my Week 2 Journal:
Employees’ behavior directly influence the company. Their collective actions signify the organization’s culture. A right business culture endorses a healthy, constructive product image, promotes customer devotion and can help the establishment economically. Employees working in an environment created on ethics could also be more interesting and dedicated to the corporation’s achievement. The employee behavior can be a catalyst for the organization’s development or downfall. Active or ethical behavior will build the body while unethical employee behavior will hinder the productivity of the team. This paper will look at both ethical and unethical employee workplace behavior and how they affect the organization.
There are both ethical and unethical workplace behaviors. An example of unethical behavior is stealing from the company. According to current research by Kraft (2016) two out of 40 workers in is caught pocketing from their business. Stealing in the company is even more than shoplifting. Employee scam is also on the rise; employees steal from the company by tampering with cheques and not recording sales so that they can keep the money. Another example is deliberate deception. Dishonesty in the workplace comprises taking credit for someone else’s work, thereby sabotaging other people’s work and distorting the product or service to get the sale. This deception can result in conflict and retaliation. In a trades function, it can cause lawsuits from cuckolded clients. Another unethical behavior in the workplace is the violation of conscience. For instance, a sales manager calls you into his/her office and impends to fire you if you fail to sell 100 large electric kettles. You know the kettles are low products, and the company has been selling the smaller ones instead. However, you end up violating your conscious and convince your customers to keep your job. In this case, the boss is engaging in immoral behavior by compelling you to do something that is unacceptable and also endangering the ire and possible loss of potential customers. He could be engaging in unethical behavior because top management has compulsory him by intimidating his job too (Kraft, 2016).
Examples of good ethical work behavior include identifying and worshiping the company policies and respecting other employees. Being honest, forthright and taking responsibility for errors also indicate positive ethical standards. Should anything go wrong in the company, playing the blame game offsets efficiency and can make you look deceitful? Accepting the errors and taking responsibility for your actions is a good behavior in a workplace. Another good example of positive behavior in the workplace is meeting deadlines. Workers who meet deadlines are always well organized and responsible. From the time when you have assigned your employee a certain period, you expect them to reach them on time. If the employee keeps a clean, prepared workspace and is existent at work and mainly at meetings relating to his/her deadline, she will most probably meet her deadlines. Finally, maintaining an excellent attendance record and punctuality is another good workplace behavior that can build trust between the employee and the employer. Arriving in the office on time enables the employee to start working early enough and deliver excellent services to the organization. Similarly, punctual employees provide a peace of mind to their employers (Duff, 2016).
Employees’ behavior directly influence the company. Ethical employee behavior affects the organization positively while unethical workplace behavior negatively affects the body. Examples of proper workplace behavior include meeting deadlines, taking responsibilities, and maintaining punctuality. Unethical behavior includes deception, violation of conscious, unlawful conduct and disregarding the company’s policy.
Duff, V. (2016). Examples of Unethical Behavior in the Workplace. Small Business Journal, 5-12.
Kraft, D. (2016). Examples of Employees Who Use Good Ethics in the Workplace. The Nest Journal, 23-34.
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