Online History Course to be completed

15 Chapter = 4 units, approximately 2 quizes

1 semester exam


1 Final,

Cornell style notes,                                                                                                                                     questions for each chapter to be answered,                                                                                videos to watch and answer questions, final exam etc.

there are deadlines throughout the course and the course has already started. 🙁 looking for someone to give me an “A” and submit on time. there is a deadline quickly approching for Unit 3 which consist of 3 chapters, notes, due 6/28/13


will pay USD91.67 per unit (for an “A” and ontime submissions) – including quizes, exam final (4 units in total). this would be a total of USD550.00


Therefor I will pay USD91.67 per unit fully completed and on time. Thanks!


I am in an in class math and working with a tutor so I am finding I do not have time to complete the history. 🙁

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