book :
Group behavior
(Chapter 9)
Work teams (Chapter
Conflict and
negotiation (Chapter
(Chapter 11)
Leadership (Chapter
Power and politics
(Chapter 13)
read the descroption
OPTION 1: The choice of channel of communication can be important for communication to be effective.. Do you expect communication to be done in your preferred channel? How much should you consider the intended receiver in your method of communication? Would you use a different method to communicate for someone your own age than for someone 10 or 20 years older or younger? Why or why not?
OPTION 2: Dr. John Kotter, world renowned expert on change and a professor at the Harvard Business School, found that to change people, you have to tell them stories. You have to speak to their feelings. For example, it’s one thing to hear drug prices are skyrocketing. It’s something else when you hear the story of a grandmother who must choose between paying for life-sustaining drugs or buying food. In the first case, you may file away the fact that drug prices are going up, and that’s probably the end of it. But in the second case, the story of the grandmother may resonate with you. You may think, “Yeah, I can relate to that.” You may even be inspired to do something about the drug prices or support a political candidate who promises to do something about the prices.
Give an example of a situation in which you have used a story to influence or where a story was used that influenced you. What made that story work?
Please provide an original post. Also, please respond to at least two other’s posts with a substative response as well as replyting to anyone who asks you a question. Your posts are due by midnight April 27.
Watch the following clip from the Nixon and Kennedy debate in 1960. Both of these men were considered leaders. What leadership traits do you see exhibited during this debate?
Please choose one of the choices below and provide an original post. Also, please respond to at least two other’s posts with a substative response as well as replyting to anyone who asks you a question. Your posts are due by midnight April 27. OPTION 1: People differ in terms of their political skill. It has been said that the politically skilled are more effective users of influence tactics. How do you attempt to influence people with whom you work either in a business environment or a school-related environment? OPTION 2: Does power corrupt? Of CEOs surveyed, compared to 10 years ago:
Do you think that CEOs have less power now than 10 years ago? If so, why? If not, why not? Does the amount of power we think people at the top have correspond to the amount of corruption we think occurs?
OPTION 3 Politics often produces negative effects for organizations as a whole. What steps can an organization wishing to reduce politics take to reach this goal? |
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