DUE 12/4/16 @ 10PM CST IN APA FORMAT 1250 – 1500 WORDS
Effective communication is more than something that the project manager must schedule. It is more like a means of doing business. The project manager will not only need to communicate with his or her staff; he or she will also need to communicate with his or her supervisors and with the primary stakeholders to report back progress or obstacles. It can be argued that the most important quality of a project manager is good communication skills. Without effective communication, the project manager risks the disintegration of the project rather than integration of the project.
Using what you know about your stakeholders, develop a communication management plan for the IRTC project. This should identify the project stakeholders who must be reached. For each group of stakeholders or individuals, describe the communication mechanism, the frequency of communication, the format, other parties involved, the initiator’s responsibilities, and the recipients’ responsibilities. Explain your rationale for your plan.
Assignment Guidelines:
- Address the following in 1,250–1,500 words:
- Use a Stakeholder Register to identify the project stakeholders that must be engaged for the IRTC project.
- For each group of stakeholders or individuals,
- Describe the required communication mechanism.
- Explain the necessary frequency of communication.
- Explain the communication format.
- Explain whether or not there are secondary stakeholders involved.
- Explain the responsibilities of both the initiator and recipient.
- Summarize your final communication plan, and explain the rationale behind it.
Use correctly APA style formatted references of solid academic quality for your resources and use correctly formatted APA style in-text citations to your references to substantiate your information and positions as well as to give credit to other author’s work.
The objective for this assignment is to effectively select your team from the following people:
- Pat is available for 24 hours a week at $115 per hour. Pat was involved in several upgrade projects for this package and can act as business analyst, developer, or tester. Pat is very comfortable with the legacy system and does not see the benefit of moving to the Web-based version. He feels that the end users do not fully utilize the functionality they already have and will not use this new functionality effectively.
- Terry is available for 24 hours a week at $100 per hour. Terry was involved in the original installation and every upgrade since then. She tends to be in developer or tester roles for this system but acts as business analyst for other systems. She is very excited about the Web-based package and the functionality it provides. She is concerned, however, that the end users do not have the computer savvy to use it.
- Robin is available for 30 hours per week at $100 per hour. She was involved in the last two upgrades as a business analyst and has been trying to become involved in other systems and business areas. She was actively involved in the development of a custom Web-based application as a programmer. This was considered a skills development opportunity because her Web programming skills are not strong.
- Chris is available for 24 hours per week at $80 per hour. He is new to the IT department; he was previously a customer service representative. He just completed his undergraduate degree in computer science and has experience with Web programming and software testing techniques.
Jan is available for 16 hours per week at $115 per hour. Jan is also new to the IT department. She was previously a consultant and was on process reengineering projects, including several for billing functions. She previously worked with the Web version product of the vendor’s competitor.
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