Quantitive Methods and Analysis BUSN 311

Using our data set from Unit 1, compose a 3-page e-mail to the head of the American Intellectual Union (AIU), which includes the following:

  1. Begin your e-mail to AIU by first providing an overview of the database, that is, a story about the characteristics that may include types of variables, etc.
  2. Be sure to include information about where statistics are being used in the workplace.
  3. Explain the value of statistics and its contribution to the success of an organization.
  4. Then, discuss the following in your e-mail:
    • What is the distribution of individuals by gender?
    • What is the “tenure with company” distribution by gender?
    • What percentage of the survey participants are in each department?
    • What is the sample mean for extrinsic value by gender?
    • What is the probability that an individual will be between 16–21 years of age?
    • What is the probability that an individual’s overall job satisfaction is 5.2 or lower?
    • What is the probability that an individual will be a female in the human resources department?
    • What is the probability that an individual will be a salaried employee whose intrinsic satisfaction value is 5 or more?
  5. RESEARCH REQUIRED: Be sure to include other ways that probability is used in business specifically how it contributes to the success of an organization. Feel free to use the Business Source Premier Database in the Library as a resource to research.

The e-mail should be well written and should flow well. It should comprise the body of a report that contains no grammatical errors. The report should include proper citation in APA formatting in both the in-text and reference pages and include a title page, be double-spaced and in Times New Roman 12-point font. APA formatting is necessary to ensure academic honesty.


Please submit your assignment as a Word document in APA format using the attached

Template. Do NOT change the font, page breaks or margins. Using the template without deleting the headings ensures that you cover each segment of the assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

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