research essay critiques

Due Friday  <<<<<!!!!!!!  08/22/14 – 

Unused/ Original. No copy-paste work!!


I need 2 (TWO SEPERATE 125 word min responses) critiques in regard to each of the outlines below fitting the following reqs:

  • What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
  • What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
  • What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
  • What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?



Research approaches, whether qualitative, quantitative, mixed methodology, or action, all include philosophical ideas and clearly defined practices or methods (Creswell, 2014). Before I can decide which strategy I would use for a research project, I must first understand the fundamentals of each of these different types of research. Qualitative refers to obtaining data through observations, usually not numerical, and is expressed and analyzed using descriptions and written language (Creswell, 2014). It is used when creating general principles. For instance when applying this methodology a person would conduct interviews, ask questions within a focus group, and evaluate these various documents for patterns (MUSE, 2010). Quantitative entails numerical or measurable data, examines the relationships between variables, and is performed in a controlled environment. It uses the general principles as a foundation in order to reach specific conclusions (MUSE, 2010). Examples of quantitative research are: surveys, evaluation of numerical data from documents, and structured interviews.


            Mixed methodology is a combination of both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The philosophy behind using this method is that it provides a greater understanding of a particular problem than either of the two other methods (Creswell, 2014). Action research involves a plan of change that affects those involved in the research, the institutions where the participants live and/or work, and the researcher’s life (Creswell, 2014). Its purpose is to improve processes.  Now that I have a better understanding of each approach, I think the best approach for a research project is dependent on the problem the project is addressing and my audience.





Qualitative research methods are methods of inquiry used in research. This is used in academic disciplines, social sciences, market research and further contexts. Qualitative is use to gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior and their reasoning’s for the behavior.

     Quantitative research is pertaining or measurement of quantity or amount of something. This can also pertain to the metrical system, based on quantity, specifically on a classical verse, based on temporal quality or duration of sounds.

     The mixed methods research contains both the qualitative method and the quantitative research method.  This is using multiple methods, intentionally integrating to draw the strengths of each method, and framing the investigation with philosophical and theoretical positions.

     Action research can be a reflective process of a progressive problem or initiated to solve an immediate problem.  This is done by working in teams, to improve the way they resolve issues and solve problems.


     How I would determine on what strategy to use would depend on the project, if it was a new project then I would use the qualitative research method for market researching. If the project had to do with the measurement of a quantity of something then I would use the quantitative method.  The mixed methods would be use for both methods and the action research I would use if there was a problem.

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