Describe foundational topics related to system software, programming languages, and application development environments. System software, or the operating system, performs many different tasks, such as booting your computer, reading programs into memory, managing memory allocation to those programs, managing where programs and files are located in secondary storage, maintaining the structure of directories and subdirectories, and so on. A programming language is the computer language that programmers use to write application programs. In order to run on a computer, a programs’ source code must be translated into binary machine language through special types of programs, called compilers and interpreters. Object-oriented programming, visual programming, and Web development languages are relatively new enhancements to programming languages. Finally, CASE environments help systems developers construct large-scale systems more rapidly and with higher quality. Open source software refers to systems software, applications, and programming languages in which the source code is freely available to the general public for use and/or modification.
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