No one can predict where we will be in 20 years. Much of what we now take for granted was pretty revolutionary 20 years ago, including the Internet, smartphones, wireless technology, and even Food panda. The good news is that the “twenty-somethings†of today will be better able to deal with it than their parent’s generation because they grew up in the maelstrom of changes. Surprises are no surprise to them.
One thing is certain about their priorities: they will shift easily as needed to deal with today’s crises and tomorrow’s changes. Their expectations will shift too; as they age, they will understand some of the reasons behind upper management decisions that bothered them in their twenties. They will move up, try it their way, fail, and then recognize the wisdom in some approaches that seemed stifling or old fashioned before. But some of their experiments will work, and the work environment will continue to evolve.
Today it includes more casual clothing, informal behaviour, and a focus on results rather than following orders. Tomorrow, that pattern could expand to a workplace where it’s all about results, at the expense of the traditional expectations.
- Think of a job you prefer or your new startup company.
- If you are a twenty-something moving into the job or business, what will you do differently to the job or business? Why?
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