The Norton Case Study

  1. Read the following case study: The Norton Company Versus 3M
  2. Use examples from your readings, and when possible, current events, and personal experience to support your answers to the following:
    • Which schools of management thought are illustrated in the case?
    • What caused Norton to decline in the very market it dominated for so long?
    • Using this case and 3M’s history, what do you think explains 3M’s success over its rival, Norton?
  3. Save your document as an rtf file then submit your responses using the Assignment link above. If you do not know how to save your document as an rtf file, or how to submit an assignment using Blackboard, review the following instructions:


This assignment is worth 20 points toward your course grade. I will grade all of your case study assignments on the basis of how well you fulfill the assigned questions, how well you show that you understand the chapter terms and ideas, and when possible, your consideration of additional perspectives. Refer to the following table to understand how your case study assignment will be graded:

Required Response

  • Completed all tasks, answered all questions
  • Wrote substantive responses of 1 or 2 paragraphs (6 – 8 sentences) for each question
12 points

Use of Terms and Ideas Learned; Consideration of different perspectives

  • Used terms and ideas from readings correctly to clarify, explain, or support an argument
  • When possible, used additional sources to discuss other perspectives related to issue
  • When possible, used knowledge from personal experience to further support statements
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