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1. After reading the GCU Learner Goals, which disposition is your strength? Which disposition do you still need to work on? Explain.
Review the “GCU Learner Goals.”
2. In “Work or Love? A Christian Evaluation of John Dewey’s Views on the Purpose of Schooling,” Cimpean states:
Dewey rejects the Christian purpose for schooling, which is to serve and love God. When evaluated from a Christian perspective, Dewey’s progressivism falls short due to its refusal to promote the Christian ideal of serving and loving God. Dewey’s purpose for schooling is to promote a democratic state.
In your opinion, what should be the purpose of schooling?
Read “Work or Love?: A Christian Evaluation of John Dewey’s Views on the Purpose of Schooling,” by Cimpean, from Journal of Philosophy & History of Education (2008).
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