Week 5-7 and Journal 5-7
Week 5
“Using Business Students as Consultants†Please respond to the following:
From the scenario, formulate a strategy to maintain the corporate culture for Walters Aeroworks during expansion activities. Include strategies that focus mainly on methods of communicating the decisions for expansion, along with keeping current employees motivated while hiring staff to fill new positions.
Examine the four (4) managerial functions and determine which one (1) you believe to be the most important. Provide two (2) examples to support your choice.
*Note Please respose to one student comment by Sunday @ 8:00 pm est
Week 6
“Customer Service” Please responds to the following:
From the case study and e-Activity, determine the key reasons why Southwest Airlines has such high customer satisfaction ratings in comparison with other airlines. Provide two (2) examples that illustrate instances of customer satisfaction to support your position.
From the scenario, formulate at least two (2) strategies that a company in the midst of strategic change may use in order to provide continued motivation to its employees. Provide a rationale for your response.
Journal 5
Journal Entry 5: Prepare a one (1) paragraph journal entry that examines your learning experiences with ORION in Week 6 of this course, that addresses the following:
Determine the primary manner in which ORION has increased your business knowledge in the related subject area.
Discuss specific challenges that you may have experienced with any of the subject matter presented, and point out the areas for which you would like more information.
Suggest at least two (2) possible applications of this week’s material to the company that you currently work for or hope to work for in the future.
* Note: To access ORION please see instructions in the Week 1 area.
*Note Please respose to one student comment by Sunday @ 8:00 pm est
Week 7
“Marketing Strategy” Please respond to the following:
From the e-Activity and the “Hit & Miss: Kodak Ignores the Digital Picture†reading in Chapter 12 of the text, examine the main reasons behind Kodak reinventing itself in order to stay in business. Evaluate the level of success of Kodak’s reinvention attempts. Support your position with two (2) examples of Kodak’s success or failure in its efforts.
From the scenario, assess the importance of a company’s ability to understand its customers when creating its marketing strategy. Determine the degree to which this understanding factors into distribution strategies for its products and services. Provide a rationale for your response.
Journal 6
Journal Entry 6: Prepare a one to two (1-2) paragraph journal entry that examines your learning experiences with ORION in Week 7 of this course, that addresses the following:
1. Determine the primary manner in which ORION has increased your business knowledge in the related subject area.
2. Discuss specific challenges that you may have experienced with any of the subject matter presented, and point out the areas for which you would like more information.
3. Suggest at least two (2) possible applications of this week’s material to the company that you currently work for or hope to work for in the future.
* Note: To access ORION please see instructions in the Week 1 area.
*Note Please respose to one student comment by Sunday @ 8:00 pm est
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