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One. What is the primary purpose of PostAcute Care, and what are some common HCO examples? What is the definition of SubAcute Care? And, more vividly, what’s the Buxbaum (2009) conceptualization?
Two. Explain the emergence of SubAcute Care (from a care & cost-saving perspective). What influence has the desire to provide treatment and care in the “least restrictive environment” played in the expansion and diversification of subacute facility types? What are the four subacute care “types/categories,” and what do they consist of?
Three. How well has the regulation (industry, if you will…) of subacute care facilities responded to the diversification of service/HCO types under the subacute care umbrella? How does the progress/development of the accreditation realm of subacute care compare to the regulatory environment?
Four. What is an interdisciplinary team (IDT) and why must subacute long term care facilities embrace this model? Your text mentions that the administrator may or may not have a clinical background. Speculate how this would facilitate the coordination of the interdisciplinary team. What/who are the various members of the IDT? What are some of the challenges that come with managing a subacute long term care facility?
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